Pamela Jain, CPS Specialist Prosecutor, said:
"This case related to an abuse of one of the most important relationships in our society – the trust between patient and doctor.
"Ian Paterson repeatedly abused that trust by carrying out unnecessary major medical surgery over more than a decade.
"He knew the procedures were not needed but carried on regardless, inflicting unlawful wounds on his patients.
"Working closely with the police, the Crown Prosecution Service was faced with the difficult task of selecting the appropriate charges and evidence to put before the court.
"Using clear and detailed presentations to show the medical circumstances of his victims, we demonstrated to the jury how Paterson’s actions went far beyond those that any reasonable surgeon would have taken.
"The impact of Paterson’s actions on his victims has been devastating, from the unnecessary distress of undergoing procedures they did not need, to the scars that will always serve as a physical reminder of what their doctor, Ian Paterson, did to them.
"The victims’ courage in coming forward to give evidence enabled the CPS to secure Paterson’s conviction. I hope that today’s prison sentence provides them with a sense of justice being served."