Gregor McGill, a senior lawyer at the Crown Prosecution Service, said:
“Following receipt of two separate investigation files from the Metropolitan Police, the CPS has today authorised the following charges.
File relating to ten individuals received on 18 October 2013:
“The CPS has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Tom Wells, Neil Millard, Reggie Nunkoo, Mark Blake and Rosemary Collier, and to summons Brandon Malinsky and Graham Brough, for offences of misconduct in public office.
“The CPS has decided that there is insufficient evidence in relation to three other individuals who have been informed they face no further action.
File relating to four individuals received on 4 November 2013:
“The CPS has authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Sam Azouelos with one count of misconduct in public office between 3 July 2006 and 30 April 2010.
“The CPS has decided that there is insufficient evidence in relation to three other individuals who have been informed they face no further action.
“All defendants will appear before Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 10 March 2014.
“Criminal proceedings have now commenced and these defendants have a right to a fair trial. It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”
1. Tom Wells and Mark Blake between 27th January 2008 and 17th December 2010 conspired together to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
2. Graham Brough and Reggie Nunkoo between 22nd January 2009 and 14th January 2010 conspired together to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
3. Neil Millard, Reggie Nunkoo and Brandon Malinsky between 13th September 2010 and 23rd February 2011 conspired together to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
4. Tom Wells between 2nd March 2010 and 30th April 2010 conspired together with a public official to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
5. Tom Wells and Neil Millard between 22nd March 2010 and 9th March 2011 conspired together and with others to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
6. Neil Millard and Rosemary Collier between 24th November 2010 and 23rd December 2010 conspired together to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to s 1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977.
1. Between the 3rd July 2006 and the 30th April 2010, Sam Azouelos being a public officer, namely a Metropolitan Police Officer, and acting as such, without reasonable excuse or justification, wilfully misconducted himself to such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public’s trust in that office, Contrary to Common Law.